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Dear David: Getting Ghosted by Candidates

Question: It seems like we’ve had many candidates ghosting us recently. Is there anything we can do to prevent this?  Answer:Nothing you do will prevent ghosting altogether, but there are steps you can take to keep candidates engaged and discourage them from just disappearing on you:  Start with a clear, descriptive job posting so they understand

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Dear David: Employee Discord Is Impacting Performance

Question: We have two employees who don’t seem to like each other, which is starting to affect their work. How do we help employees who don’t get along to work well together?   Answer: Getting employees who don’t like each other to work well together can be challenging, but here are several steps you can take to improve

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Dear David: How to Make Flex Schedules Work

Question: We want to offer more flexibility but have a hard time staffing our shifts as it is. Any suggestions?  Answer: Answered by the HR Experts  It’s great that you are considering offering more flexibility to your employees. This is one way to increase retention and give your employees some control over their time at work. There

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Dear David: When Is an Employee Ready to Lead?

Question: How do we know when an employee is ready for a leadership role?  Answer It’s good you’re thinking about this. Promotions into leadership too often come with little discussion about how the leadership role will be different from the current role or whether the employee has the interest or skill set to be an

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Dear David: Wrong LI Job Title?

Question: We’ve discovered an employee is using a title on LinkedIn that is not the title we use at our organization. Should we say something? Answer: It depends. There are many reasons an employee may choose to use a job title on LinkedIn that is different from their official job title with your organization. For

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Dear David: Asking References about Sick Time?

Question: Can we ask references about an applicant’s previous use of sick time? We’d like to get a sense of their reliability. Answer: Making any inquiries into their history of calling in sick is not recommended. Asking about absences due to illness or injury could run afoul of the Americans with Disabilities Act and give

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Dear David: Reference Checks for Certain Roles

Question: Can we do reference checks for only certain roles? Answer: Yes, as long as you’re not discriminating based on protected classes or characteristics, you can conduct reference checks for specific roles but not others. For example, you may decide that supervisory roles or positions with access to sensitive information warrant this additional step during

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Dear David: Dealing with Insensitive Comments

Question: An employee allegedly made a racially insensitive comment in the presence of a coworker. How should we respond? Answer: You need to investigate the matter. A racially insensitive comment could be considered harassment — unwelcome behavior that’s based on a protected class such as race. Harassment becomes unlawful if putting up with it is

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