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Data Suggests Regional Printing Association Members Outperform Non-Members: What Association Benefits Help Their Success?

By Dr. Ralph Williams Jr., Associate Professor of Management, Jones College of Business, Middle Tennessee State University Dr. Greg Nagel, Professor of Finance, Jones College of Business, Middle Tennessee State University Our recent financial benchmarking surveys suggest that regional printing association members produce higher Earnings-before-interest-taxes-depreciation-and-amortization (EBITDA) than national industry averages (see our appendix). Indeed, our

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AI, RPA, and AMRs: My TLA Moment

Introduction  When I was a young Applications Analyst for Linotype on Long Island, I was flabbergasted by the number of three-letter acronyms (TLAs) that had developed around PostScript and prepress. (Pre-press was still hyphenated at the time, which gives you an idea of how long ago this was.) For fun, I created a three-letter acronym

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Dear David: Staying Compliant When a New Hire Quits

Question: A newly hired employee quit after their first day. To keep things simple, can we just pay them as an independent contractor? Answer: No, that approach is not compliant with regulations. The IRS, the U.S. Department of Labor, and state agencies have specific criteria for determining who is an employee and who is an

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Dear David: What to Include in a Job Description

Question: What should we include in a job description? Answer: Accurate and carefully crafted job descriptions are essential for attracting and keeping new employees, setting clear performance expectations, and serving as a critical line of defense in many types of employment litigation.  Effective job descriptions include:  Advice provided by Mineral. This Q&A does not constitute

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Branding Your Firm as a Great Workplace…an EVP is a MUST!

Many printing company leaders say hiring new employees is their toughest challenge. I recently visited a printing company with about 100 employees. Almost everybody in the building was in their late 50s or early 60s. Multiple workers mentioned to me that they were considering retiring. As we were hearing those retirement comments, the firm’s leader

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Dear David: Fostering Employee Feedback

Question: How can we help our employees feel more comfortable providing feedback about their managers? Answer: Employees are often uncomfortable providing feedback about their managers because they fear workplace tension or retaliation, they aren’t sure what to say, or they don’t believe anything will change. The following practices can help address these concerns:  Advice provided

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QWERTY: Why Your Keyboard Looks Like It Does

Introduction  Have you ever wondered why the letters on the keyboard of your computer or phone are laid out like they are? We have a trio of inventors to thank for that. On June 23rd of 1868 (a day now widely celebrated as International Typewriter Day), Christopher Sholes, Carlos Glidden, and J.W. Soule were issued

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Dear David: Hard Copy or Electronic Posters?

Question: We have remote and on-site employees. Do we have to post hard copies of required labor posters in the workplace, or can we provide only electronic ones on our internal web page for all employees to see? Answer: As you have remote and on-site employees, we recommend doing both. In December 2020, the Department

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Carbon Emissions and Your Sustainability Strategy

Introduction  Print service providers (PSPs) have been looking closely at electricity, natural gas, and any other fuels used in their operations as a step toward diminishing their use of carbon-based fuels. Many have also moved toward:  These are all important steps, but they overlook one key point in regard to carbon footprint: We are all

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