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Republicans Consider Fixing ACA, Not Repealing It

The steamroller everyone expected from President Trump and the GOP-led Congress to flatten the Affordable Care Act has been put on idle and what was a promised quick outright repeal has morphed into a plan to “repair” the law. In particular, Republican lawmakers, huddling while trying to devise a repeal-and-replace plan, have instead found that

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Republicans Consider Fixing ACA, Not Repealing It

The steamroller everyone expected from President Trump and the GOP-led Congress to flatten the Affordable Care Act has been put on idle and what was a promised quick outright repeal has morphed into a plan to “repair” the law. In particular, Republican lawmakers, huddling while trying to devise a repeal-and-replace plan, have instead found that

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How Steven Heller Redefined the Design Industry

Heller in his office. Photo by David Everly. SVA’s Steven Heller has helped launch dozens of high-profile design careers. To his protégés, he seems like the ultimate insider — but he didn’t start out that way. Steven Heller is sitting in his office at Manhattan’s School of Visual Arts, sipping iced green tea and editing a draft of

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Advice for Young Designers

Reflections after ten years in the industry What have I learned over the years that I wish I’d known when I was first starting out as a young designer? The result: A growing list of learnings that I’ve experienced through trial and error, each of which has served me well during my design career. Note: You

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IRS Targets Employers Who Fail to File ACA Forms

The IRS has started sending letters to some employers asking them where their Affordable Care Act returns are, according to the National Association of Health Underwriters. The letters, says the association, appear to be one of the first efforts by the IRS to enforce the employer responsibility requirements of the ACA. Under the ACA, applicable

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Understand How Your Customers Think (and Feel)!

1) Happy customers are a lot more likely to tell their friends On average, happy customers tell nine people about their experiences with a company. 2) But a single unhappy customer often means that there are many more For every customer who complains, there are 26 customers who don’t say anything. Often, they’ll simply get

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EEOC Eyes Employer Actions against Prescription Drug Users

By now you will be aware of the scourge of opioid abuse that’s swept the country over the past decade and the damage it is doing to individuals and families. Overdoses from legal prescription drugs – mostly opioids and other strong pain relievers – last year surpassed overdoses from street drugs like heroin for the

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