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Why Your Business May Need Pollution Insurance

Many businesses that produce some type of pollutant throughout the course of daily business operations don’t know they are doing so. Others know they are producing pollutants and have processes and safeguards in place to reduce their release into the environment. A business can be held liable for some very costly damages when these byproducts

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Off-the-clock Work Ban Can Save You from Legal Troubles

Wage and hour lawsuits are on the rise, usually with non-exempt employees claiming they weren’t paid either for overtime or for work they may have performed before or after their shift. But, if you have ironclad policies in place, you can greatly minimize both the chances of being sued and also losing the case. One

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How to Prepare for Possible PG&E Power Shutdowns

PG&E has warned California residents and businesses that it may shut down the power grid for as long as five days for large portions of the state when there are high-wind conditions during the dry fire season. That’s because PG&E’s infrastructure was found to be the cause of several recent California wildfires. PG&E has sent

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Annual Insurance Review is Crucial to Your Growing Business

One of the biggest mistakes owners of growing businesses make is not keeping up their insurance coverage to account for the expanding assets and potential liabilities. Let’s say you started your business 10 years ago with just a small space and computer desk. Today, you have an office full of employees and equipment. If you

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Employee Behavior, Habits Can Thwart Heat Illness Prevention

Every summer thousands of American workers suffer from heat illness after working in hot conditions and not taking the necessary precautions to protect themselves. Often employers have not put in place safeguards and have failed to train their workers in heat illness prevention. But even the most well-intentioned employers need to take extra precautions to

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Business Growth Can Lead to Increased Risk

As the economy continues expanding, companies need to be careful about properly managing their risk, according to a report by Advisen Inc., an insurance research and data firm. Increased activity typically means proportionally additional losses. For example, more trucks driving more miles will inevitably result in more accidents. However, there are other kinds of risk

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Six Affordable Ways to Achieve Luxurious Print

Ashley Maydak, Brand Marketing Manager at Domtar Paper, explains in the Podcasts from the Printer that you don’t need a ton of money to make fancy print – it all has to do with the paper you choose. 1. Think about the paper first Maydak says we should rethink the ‘design first, choose paper later’

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Six Affordable Ways to Achieve Luxurious Print

Ashley Maydak, Brand Marketing Manager at Domtar Paper, explains in the Podcasts from the Printer that you don’t need a ton of money to make fancy print – it all has to do with the paper you choose. 1. Think about the paper first Maydak says we should rethink the ‘design first, choose paper later’

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Judge Shoots Down Association Plans

A federal judge has rejected the Trump administration’s rules for association plans, saying they are an attempt to allow employers to skirt their obligations under the Affordable Care Act. The rules that the Department of Labor finalized last year allow employers to band together as “associations” for no other purpose than to purchase health insurance

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What Not to Do in Web Design (This will lose you customers)

Just like brick and mortar was the storefront before, now many companies rely on their website to communicate and attract potential customers – and a simple name and logo simply will not do. In a study looking at what influenced a user’s opinion of a website (either it’s design or content), 94% of participants claimed

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