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OSHA Electronic Filing Deadline Extended to December

OSHA has issued final rules that delay for large employers and those in high-risk industries the electronic filing deadline for 2016 annual injury and illness records until Dec. 1, 2017. The new rule changes an Obama-era federal OSHA regulation that required employers with 250 workers, in addition to firms with 20 or more employees operating

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Your Liability Every Time Someone Enters Your Facility

One sure-fire way for a business to get sued is if a visitor – a customer, vendor or anyone else – injures themselves while on your premises. While you may already do all you can to keep employees and customers safe, you are likely still exposed to being sued if someone injures themselves in one

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Could Your Staff Respond to a Medical Emergency?

If one of your employees or a customer had a serious medical emergency while at work, would your staff know how to respond? Unfortunately, most U.S. employees are not prepared to handle cardiac emergencies in the workplace because they lack training in CPR and first aid, according to new survey results from the American Heart Association.

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New Notice Requirement for Victims of Violence

On July 1, a new notice requirement went into effect for California workplaces concerning the rights of victims of violence or stalking. Under the new rule, employers with 25 or more workers must provide new employees with written notice about the legal rights of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking to take time

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’Surf-by’ ADA Lawsuits Could be Next Legal Trap for Businesses

No doubt you’ve heard of the “drive-by” Americans with Disabilities Act lawsuits that are filed by plaintiffs who see ADA violations at businesses (like entrances that are inaccessible by wheelchair) just by driving by the location. Now, recent court decisions could pave the way for a new class of ADA claims where disabled individuals have

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How the Senate Health Insurance Bill Would Affect Employers

Senate Republicans released draft legislation on June 23 to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act that does much of the same that similar legislation from the House would do. The aim of the draft is the same as the American Health Care Act (AHCA) passed by the House of Representatives in April. But soon

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DOL Withdraws Guidance on Independent Contractors

The Trump administration has withdrawn guidance issued by the Department of Labor under President Obama that had tightened restrictions on joint employment and independent contractors. The move may give only the semblance of respite though, because the enabling regulations are still in place and so is established case law on the subject. The move only

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Why I’m not buying the most powerful MacBook Pro anymore

In 2012, I bought the most powerful model of the 15-inch MacBook Pro because I knew its Core i7 processor would keep up for several more years than a MacBook Pro with a less powerful Core i5 processor. The concept is called “future-proofing.” Basically, I buy a device that’s way more powerful than necessary for my current

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Why I’m not buying the most powerful MacBook Pro anymore

In 2012, I bought the most powerful model of the 15-inch MacBook Pro because I knew its Core i7 processor would keep up for several more years than a MacBook Pro with a less powerful Core i5 processor. The concept is called “future-proofing.” Basically, I buy a device that’s way more powerful than necessary for my current

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