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Video for Sales is Crucial in the COVID-19 Economy

The videos don’t have to be expensive, scripted or produced. Simple, genuine, human-centered webcam and smartphone videos are a transformative opportunity for connecting and communicating with your potential new customers in today’s times. They’re the next-best thing to being there in person, and they don’t even have to be delivered on jump drive.

Be Relatable. Smile and relax. Let your unique personality come through. It’s about connecting through the camera and, remember, you’re answering our built-in social need for face-to-face human contact.

Lighting Matters. Overhead lighting is the worst. Instead, invest in three soft light sources: two behind your webcam (one on the left and one on the right) and one right behind you. Then just shut off the overhead lights. You can spend less than $200 and get what you need.

Get Personal. Find ways to incorporate details about your prospect into your video, especially on the first still image your prospect sees before clicking on your video. Plant this personalization throughout the video with at least one of these moments at the beginning, one in the middle and one at the end to reward those who make it all the way through.

Be Conversational. Don’t read a script. Know what you want to say and deliver it as if you were sitting across the table from your prospect. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it needs to be authentic.

Brevity Matters. Don’t make your videos too long. Aim for somewhere between 30 and 60 seconds and make at least 75 percent of the video about them, not you.

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