Data Suggests Regional Printing Association Members Outperform Non-Members: What Association Benefits Help Their Success? By Dr. Ralph Williams Jr., Associate Professor of Management, Jones College of Business, Middle Tennessee State University Dr. Greg Nagel, Professor of Finance, Jones College of Business, Middle Tennessee State University Our recent financial benchmarking surveys suggest that regional printing association members produce higher Earnings-before-interest-taxes-depreciation-and-amortization (EBITDA) than national industry averages (see our appendix). Indeed, our Read More »
Data Suggests Regional Printing Association Members Outperform Non-Members: What Association Benefits Help Their Success?
Dear David: When should we run background checks of applicants and current employees? November 2, 2021September 1, 2022
Dear David: When you make a change to your employee handbook, do you know whether you’re required to notify your staff? August 2, 2021September 8, 2022
Dear David: Some of our employees have said they don’t feel safe returning to work. Can we just permanently replace them? April 28, 2021September 8, 2022
Dear David: Are we required to have employees sign a new acknowledgement of the handbook because of changes? March 23, 2021September 8, 2022