2022 Earth Day Contest Winners

Winners to the Earth Day 2022 Design Competition are in!

The challenge was to design a cover for our April issue of Connected magazine to promote awareness on sustainability in alignment with this year’s Earth Day theme on the green economy: “Invest in Our Planet.

Connected Cover Design Winners

  • First Place – $1,000 + The winner’s design will be featured on VMA’s April Connect magazine cover and in VMA’s eNewsletter. These publications go to VMA’s member base of over 500 Northern California print and creative agency small business owners.
  • Second Place – $500 + showcased in an interior page of Connected and in VMA’s eNewsletter
  • Third Place – $250 + showcased in an interior page of Connected and in VMA’s eNewsletter
Paulina Turcios
City College of San Francisco
What do you think needs to be done for the planet’s sustainability?

I think using our voices matters and looking at the facts. We’re slowing going to be killing life on Earth because of our cause. It will takes years for the Earth to be sustainable again, but if we ignore the facts and changes, we’ll end our life sooner than we realize. It’s no different than from what Einstein said, if we killed all the bees, we would have 4 years to live. We have to really consider the outcomes and what can be done to help boost the environment, we have to work with nature, not destroy it.

How does this design meet the objective?

This Design meets the objective because after I read the article for the theme, I wanted to incorporate what everyone wants to do or have done… For example, some buildings do have a green roof for more sustainable places. There are a few laws for the environment, but more can be done, and the voices of the people really matters in what needs to be done in order to sustain life, we are part of that Life cycle.

Nelson Gines Jr.
City College of San Francisco
What do you think needs to be done for the planet’s sustainability?

I think governments need to work together and act quickly to implement policies and infrastructure that promote energy and environmental sustainability. Budget should be redirected to these initiatives and prioritized. We also need to fund programs that educate the population on a sustainable lifestyle to live more efficiently and not be wasteful.

How does this design meet the objective?

I took the literal meaning in investing in our planet and designed Earth as a bank filing up with reusable coins. I then added background images of wind energy, groups planting trees and solar energy in order to show some of the things we should invest in for the planet.

Kyle Gray
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
What do you think needs to be done for the planet’s sustainability?

I think education about our planet is most important because it will create further awareness about the matter.

How does this design meet the objective?

This design meets the objective of “Invest in our Planet” because it contains components of the world that are in dire need of our help. At the top of the design lies a tree; deforestation is a huge problem when it comes to global warming and our earth’s lack of trees contributes to the development of the issue. Down at the bottom I added dolphins and a sea turtle. These creatures represent our problem with recycling and ocean pollution. Too many of these animals are losing their lives from plastic bags and water bottles floating within the oceans furthering their chances of endangerment. Lastly, all of these elements have been placed into a figure resembling a possibility for a solution and hope for the future – Mother Nature.

Social Media Contest Winners

In addition, students from Lyndee Sing’s GrC 220 – Introduction to Applied Social Media in Graphic Communication at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo participated in a social media design contest where VMA awarded first and second place designs of $300 and $200 respectively.

Saisri Rayapati
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Grace Bhatia
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
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Thank You

Click the link below to download the latest Connected issue.

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