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Because we understand just how crucial it is to your success that you advertise your business to qualified buyers, we offer our members a wide variety of advertising opportunities.
Visual Media Guide

Visual Media Guide (VMGuide)

Get Listed to Find Buyers​
The VMGuide is Northern California’s premier printed directory of visual media resources for nearly 30 years.

The VMGuide lists all VMA members, complete with contact information, company description, and the products and services each member offers.

Listing in the VMGuide is free for Members.
These are valuable opportunities to reach potential customers. Each year, the VMGuide is mailed to thousands of industry professionals.

Visit for more information.

Visual Media Access

VMAccess is the accompanying online version of the Visual Media Guide. It digitally connects buy s with their next print shop or creative agency partner.

The Product Guide section includes the most popular products and services. Many prospects search by services, so you’ll want to update this section with your services.

VMAccess receives 12,000 visitors a month—Be sure to get in on the action!

promotional advertising

Promotional & Advertising Opportunities

Connected: A quarterly print magazine that keeps members up-to-date on the latest program offerings by VMA, industry news, and the hottest industry-related topics.


VMA hosts a number of virtual and in-person events including our popular CrabFest and Golf Tournament. There are also smaller one-off pop-up events and well-attended series like Collective Conversations and SalesCircle. These are great ways to get in front of a qualified graphic arts small business owner audience.

expert consultants

Event Sponsorship

Sponsor VMA events and you’ll be listed in our publications, in the event collateral, and on our website, and it’s a great way to support the industry. Full and partial sponsorships are available for our various events.
  • CrabFest
  • Golf Tournament
  • Webinars
  • And more

Contact for information.


cash management suite

Sales Vault: On Demand Training & Coaching

The Sales Vault is your resource for sales advice, coaching, and even peer-to-peer events. Created by industry sales veteran Bill Farquharson, the Sales Vault is an online portal filled with everything you need to launch successful sales strategies.

VMA members get the first month free, and 30% off every other month after that.

cash management suite

Leslie Groene: Sales Strategy

An expert in strategic selling, Leslie Groene is well-known as a corporate sales coach, business development trainer, and executive consultant. She has a background in the paper industry, so she knows the challenges VMA members face. Learn more about how to contact her via the link below.


networking events

SalesCircle Referral Network Group

VMA now has its very own closed networking group. Connect with your peers and refer leads to one another and share sales tips. To learn more about the rules, visit the link below.
VMA is the partner you need to build, innovate, grow, and protect your business.

Thank You

Click the link below to download the latest Connected issue.

2025 Student
Scholarship Application

To complete your application please provide the referring teachers information in the form below. The referring teacher’s email must be associated with an accredited Northern California college.

2025 Student
Scholarship Application

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