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Top Marketing Trends in 2018

New year — new resolutions. But usually this involves your personal or family life. But what about your business? Just like a fresh coat of paint, a new marketing strategy or two will give your brand a much-needed facelift, attracting new clients or re-excite old ones. Here’s a few ideas that will inspire you this year.

1. Live Streaming

In 2017, video streaming was counted as 75% of internet traffic; and shows no signs of slowing down in 2018. People don’t want to read these days — they want to watch. Live videos in particular perform extremely well: viewers watch live streams 3x longer than pre-recorded ones, says the Huffington Post.

2. Mobile Video

Snowballing off the last comment, more people are watching on their mobile devices than on desktops. iPad and mobile devices are expected to see a 25% increase in video consumption. The average viewer is expected to watch 36 minutes of online video per day on a mobile device, as opposed to roughly 19 minutes on a computer.

3. Growth Hacking

Also known as growth-driven tactics, these are marketing processes specifically targeted for increasing growth in revenue. SEO is the still one of the best growth hacking strategies simply because you are getting more traction from people who are already inquiring about your product or service. As technology evolves to allow additional search options, you have to adjust your strategy to meet your audience where they are looking for you.

4. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Combined with big data and machine learning, AI is expected to make a huge impact on how we market to our consumers. Users can expect highly-customized content delivery, automated based on their persona and lifestyle. Salesforce marketers predict AI will grow by 57% in the next three years.

5. Explainer Videos

The five-ingredient recipe videos are HUGE on the web. Why? People would rather watch how things are made and how things work than read about it. Explainer videos will reign supreme in 2018. People are 4x as likely to watch an explainer video than to read about it (

6. Chat Bots

Do you get frustrated when you can’t call or get ahold of a company’s customer support? That’s why chatbots were created. You can get real-time, instant help within a few minutes of chatting on a company’s website. It’s estimated that 85% of interactions with be with chatbots in 2020 according to Gartner.

7. Viral Content

That funny cat video or a genius, a heart-warming story are all viral content that has reigned supreme in the last decade. Come up with a campaign that is easily shareable. Funny content, true, heart-warming stories or something very odd and far-fetched are all great ways to share and engage your audience. Get your creative team together for some fun brainstorming sessions!

8. Geofencing

For many, mobile devices are becoming one with our body. Wherever we go, the device goes. On average, users trigger 75 separate mobile sessions per day, that means they engage with the device throughout their day across lots of locations. Marketers use geofencing technology to collect information about and target their customers as they enter, leave or stay in specific areas, also known as geofences. Geofences are specific areas that prompt mobile notifications on a when a customer is active in a certain area. During those key moments, marketers could send promotional messages offering discounts to users. Geofencing is an excellent way to engage with your customers who are on the go in a more contextual way.

9. Micro Influencer to Promote Your Brand

Getting someone who is pretty well-known (about 1,000-10,000 followers) but not a mega-celebrity is the perfect person to promote your brand. Why? They’re 4x as likely to get a comment or post than macro-influencers (with 10 or more million followers). Plus: macro-influences would probably be 4x as expensive as well.

10. Pay Attention to Your Blog

Blogging isn’t new – but content remains king. If you haven’t started a blog, consider hiring a freelance writer to manage it, or revamp your old one. Everyone loves a good story.


This article was excerpted from 10 Marketing Trends to Think About for 2018 – Huffington Post.

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