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The Holidays Have Their Own Workplace Perils

All year long you have been reminding your employees to “work safely … don’t take short cuts … prevent accidents.”

To do this they have to keep their minds on their work, but this time of the year as the holidays near, their minds might be everywhere else but on work.

They may be thinking “what to buy for everyone for Christmas – I hate shopping!” and “how will I pay for Christmas?” Meanwhile, relatives coming to stay add yet more distracting thoughts.

For some employees, the holiday period is a wonderful time, and for others it is dreadful, but it is stressful for most anyone. Normal routines and schedules are disrupted, and there is a lot of rushing around the town to crowded and chaotic stores and malls.

Be aware that accidents may be more likely to happen at this time of the year at the workplace, on the road or at home. Employees tend to take extra physical risks ― such as when hanging lights and lugging trees around.

And when roads and freeways are jammed, auto accidents increase.

In-office safety

When planning decorations for the office, it is important to keep holiday safety in mind.

Decorating the office helps workers enjoy the spirit of the season together, but remember that proper safety precautions should be observed at all times:

  • Be mindful of potential fire hazards when selecting holiday decorations and where you place them.
  • Be careful of stapling holiday lights, do not add too many strings of lights and make sure illuminated items are turned off.
  • Verify that all fire extinguishers are in place and fully charged and accessible.
  • Do not block exits, hang decorations on fire extinguishers, fire alarms or fire hose boxes, or obstruct the view of exit signs.
  • Do not hang decorations from sprinkler heads or electrical panels.
  • Without proper planning, holiday decorations can create tripping hazards. Extension cords should not be run through traffic areas where they pose trip hazards and, if you have to use an extension cord, use the proper one.
  • Avoid placing trees, freestanding decorations and presents in traffic areas.

Holiday party

The holidays bring office parties and, if alcohol is being served, keep in mind the liability involved.

Provide plenty of alternatives to alcohol, such as soft drinks, coffee, tea, water and cocoa. Consider non-alcoholic beers and virgin drinks at the bar.

Also, so your staff is safe on the way home, stop serving alcohol a few hours before the party ends.

It’s essential to make transportation arrangements for employees who should not drive – whether the party is held at the office, restaurant, your home or any other location.

The takeaway

If you keep in mind that the holidays put extra pressure on everyone, it may help you to keep your workplace free of accidents.

By following a few simple safety tips, it will be easy to enjoy the holiday and the events at work without dealing with injuries or damage to property.

When planning for the holidays, incorporate safety precautions into the planning process.

Need Gift Ideas for Your Christmas Party?

Give a gift of safety that just might save a life. Here are some ideas of safety items we don’t think about until we need them and/or it’s too late:

  • A smoke detector and batteries.
  • A quality fire extinguisher.
  • A flashlight and batteries, or light sticks.
  • A first aid kit.
  • An automobile safety kit including jumper cables, flares, fix-a-flat and reflectors.
  • A carbon monoxide detector.
  • An emergency kit flashlight, energy bars, batteries and first aid kit ― packed in a small travel bag.
  • A radio that runs by cranking rather than batteries.

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