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SGIA and PIA Merge to Become the Largest, Most Comprehensive Printing and Graphic Arts Association in the Country

On May 1, in a milestone in the printing industry, SGIA and PIA officially combined to create the largest, most comprehensive member-based printing and graphic arts association in the United States.

The merger of Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) and Printing Industries of America (PIA) will support future industry growth and longevity.

SGIA primarily serves the graphics, industrial, and apparel decorator segments, while PIA primarily serves the commercial printing segment. Together, members will have access to services across many channels, and the combined organization will provide the graphic arts community with preeminent research, education, training, events, legislative support, government affairs, health and safety, and other key industry services.

Ford Bowers is elevated to President and CEO of the combined organization. Michael Makin, current President and CEO of Printing Industries of America, will become an Executive Vice President of the unified organization.

The new association will be called PRINTING United Alliance.

Bower stated, “As convergence increasingly continues in our industry, this newly formed entity with PIA is the logical progression of our long-standing history together. SGIA acquired NAPCO Media in 2019, bringing the industry’s leading media company under our umbrella. Now with PIA, we can provide even more streamlined services across all market segments and in one easily accessible location. Together, we house the most renowned thought leaders, events, and programming in the printing and graphic arts community.”

Makin said, “PIA is thrilled to join forces with SGIA, combining resources to serve every segment of the printing industry. Pooling the extensive talent of both organizations, along with the media expertise of NAPCO Media, is a game-changer.”

In addition to collaborating to produce the PRINTING United Expo and Conference, they will launch a powerful resource channel dedicated to providing the printing and graphic communications industry with up-to-the-minute news and resources on COVID-19 and how to navigate the latest information about the pandemic. The COVID-19 Resource Channel will serve the industry with this critical detail.

VMA’s PIA Representative Ian Flynn said, “The merging of PIA and SGIA into a new ‘super association’ provides for greater opportunities and more resources for education, training, events, and government affairs representation as well as safety and environmental guidance. The additional depth and breadth of these combined benefits are a win-win for our membership and the future of our industry.”

Further details about the merger and combination of services will be announced as the integration takes place. In the meantime, information is available on both company websites until the new site reflecting the combined organizations is launched. Visit or for information. The SGIA has put together a list of FAQs on the merger.

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