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VMA Access Individual Company Listings


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VMA Access Listing Update Forms

It’s easy to update your VMGuide Listing. 

To find your listing update form:

  • Type your company name into the box below and download the PDF of your company’s form.
  • Review all the information, making sure that the contact information is correct.
  • Does the company description accurately describe your company’s business?
  • Are you services and products correct? If you would like to add to or change your capabilities, be sure to download the Products and Services List and choose from over 900 capabilities to easily and accurately describe your company’s capabilities.

To make changes, please follow the instruction on your Listing Form.

  • Review your listing, if it is OK as is, please indicate that on the form, sign it and return it to us no later than August 30.
  • If it requires changes, please indicate the changes on the Listing Form and the Product and Services list, sign the forms and return them to us, no later than August 30.

Return forms by email to vmguide@visualmediaalliance.org

Need help? Email vmguide@visualmediaalliance.org or call Jessica Clark at 415.489.7612.

To download your company Listing Update Form, type your company name or member number in the box below. If you have trouble finding your form, please email vmguide@visualmediaalliance.org or call Jessica Clark at 415.489.7612.

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