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Hot Off the Presses: The Only Guide You Need to the Most Up-to-Date Facebook Ad Specs for Images, Video and Copy


It’s no secret that Facebook is a fan of regularly changing their ad specs for images, video and copy. (But, hey. We’re not complaining. After all, when it comes to social, it’s Facebook’s world and we’re just playing in it.)

Lucky for digital advertising and marketing pros everywhere, the folks over at Buffer are on top of these frequent changes and provide regular updates on all things related to Facebook ad specs.

This comprehensive post from just a few weeks back is, in our opinion, the first and last word you’ll need on staying current with ad specs and recommendations. (In fact, go bookmark it right now, while you’re thinking about it. You’ll thank us for the rec.)

In the post, you’ll find a guide that offers everything you need to know about recommended content size for each type of Facebook ad so that your ad looks the way you want it to, no matter where on Facebook it appears.

To make it easy, the guide is broken down by the five Facebook ad types including single image and single video ads as well as carousel, slideshow and canvas ads.

Need to get your hands on single video ad specs including character allowances for text, headline and link copy? No problem. It’s in the guide.

Looking to create a looping video ad with 10 images? This guide will give you image size, ratio and video upload format specs, as well as complete copy guidelines.

And so it goes — complete specs for every ad type, right at your fingertips.

If you’re looking to make a splash with Facebook advertising in 2017, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the information contained in Buffer’s guide and be sure to drop in every now and again to ensure you’re current. Do so, and you’ll take the guesswork out of creating spec-friendly social ads.

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