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Great Books for Designers to Read in 2016

Photo © Andrew Kim

A list with over 100 books that any designer should have in his personal library, recommended by worlds greatest minds.

I’m personally obsessed with gathering all sorts of knowledge. My simple plan is to read at least 1 book per month besides plenty of articles and videos online to broaded my horizons, improve skills and knowledge.

Even thought it’s just 1 book per month it’s still a big challenge and sometimes it’s just not possible because I’m busy with my projects. I “cheat” and ease the “bad feeling” by adding more great books to read later to my library. That feels great, almost like I’ve read that book already.

All the books in my library are carefully handpicked from what I stumbled upon online in comments on design related websites by highly respected people in the design industry and on Twitter. I simply just don’t go to iBooks store and pick something from the top charts.

Here’s my personal library in no particular order (majority of the books I have already read or at least started a couple of chapters):

The classics

Less and More: The Design Ethos of Dieter Rams © Andrew Kim
An Alphabetical Book About Nokia Pure, Photo © Andrew Kim

History, sci-fi and the weird stuff

Paul Otlet, the pre-inventor of the World Wide Web who wanted to classify the world.

These books are not exactly related to design per se, however I find these books extremely captivating and worth reading.


I hope you find your next favorite book.

This article originally appeared in Design Pttrns

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