Ease Benefits Administration Software

Employee benefits administration made easy for small businesses to set up and manage benefits, stay compliant and offer employees one destination for all their human resources information.
ease logo

With Ease Benefits Administration software, you can manage your print shop or creative agency employee benefits from one hub.

  • Set up and schedule announcements for open enrollment and other benefits information   
  • Put all of your plan information in one place and manage each plan, including participant information
  • Easily onboard new employees 
  • View each employee, the benefits they are enrolled in, and their monthly premiums  
  • Give employees access to a health plan portal where they can view benefit information year-round via web, iOS, or Android apps

Ease Benefits Administration is complimentary for VMA members with health insurance brokered through VMA. 

The HR support your small business needs. 

David Katz 

VMA is the partner you need to build, innovate, grow, and protect your business.

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