Cash Management Suite

Tools and services that help your print or creative agency business mitigate risk and improve cash flow.

Protect Your Business’ Cash Flow

As a small business, every new project comes with financial risk. No matter what’s in your contract, clients can be slow to pay or fail to pay altogether. VMA’s Cash Management Suite helps you identify bad credit risks before you sign on the dotted line and collect outstanding payments when a client is past-due.

Credit Report

Experian Reports

Experian credit reports are an important tool in your defense against catastrophic credit loss. Protect your company against bad debts and potential late-payers. Access full credit reports or simple scores at member rates and the choice is yours.

collection services

Collection Service

Offered through our partnership with Commercial Collect Service, Inc., SlowPay is a service that takes the burden of collecting on past-due invoices off your shoulders.

attorney demand letter

Attorney Demand Letter

An Attorney Demand Letter provides your non-paying customer the opportunity to resolve the debt before any legal action is taken. The letter is sent by a law firm requesting immediate payment by the debtor to your company and a copy of the letter is sent to you.

Let’s face it. Spending time and resources on credit reports or collecting on past due invoices is tough, on top of everything else you’ve got going on. Our cash flow management solutions are designed to ease financial headaches for Northern California print shops and creative agencies.
VMA is the partner you need to build, innovate, grow, and protect your business.

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