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Mobile App UX Pros: Words of Wisdom for Tapping Into this $101 Billion Market

$101 billion. That’s what industry insiders expect the mobile apps market to be worth by 2020 — with nearly $75 billion of that coming from mobile gaming. If you’re a UX designer looking to make your mark in the apps world, it’s time to sit up, take notice, and take a page from the playbook of a little company called Fuse.


If you’re a UX pro who’s in the business of developing mobile apps, here are a few fun stats you might not be aware of:

  • By 2020, the app economy is expected to have a market worth of $101 billion
  • Mobile gaming is expected to account for $74.6 billion of this total
  • In the U.S. alone, digital media consumption has grown by more than 50 percent since 2014
  • Mobile apps get credit for more than 90 percent of that growth
  • And the majority of this consumption (over 60 percent) is done on smartphone and tablets

If you’re seeing the opportunity here, you’re getting the picture.

As architects of this new platform, it’s imperative that, if you’re going to remain competitive in the app marketplace (and profit from its crazy-rapid growth), you do everything you can to ensure you can both develop and deploy apps quickly.

That’s where Fuse, a UX site for developers and designers, comes in. If you’re familiar with Fuse, you already know that the toolkit:

  1. Features markup language and visual tools designed to bridge the gab between designer and developer
  2. Offers native libraries for iPS and Android
  3. Shortens iteration times, allowing companies to not only save money, but to also assimilate feedback in real time

If you’re interested in learning more about Fuse, there’s an excellent article on Forbes in which CEO and Co-Founder Anders Lassen speaks about his vision for the company, how he’s disrupting the mobile market, and what he envisions coming next for apps.

It’s a quick read and, for those already knee-deep in the apps world, a must-read that just might spark your imagination and fuel your enthusiasm for what’s to come in the months ahead.

This article is excerpted from “This UX Design Suite Makes Developing Mobile Apps Quick And Simple” published by Forbes.

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