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7 Tips to Boost Your SEO

1. Start with Google

People find you on Google, so it’s best to make sure all of your information is correct. Set up a Google My Business profile, which will enable you to appear in local search results.

2. Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly with AMP

AMP (Accelerate Mobile Pages) generates a mobile version of your site and will increase your SERP in a mobile browser. Approximately 80% of online traffic comes from mobile, so it’s crucial to make sure your site is easy to navigate off the desktop.

3. Get to Know Your Audience

This might sound obvious – but getting to know your potential customer’s behaviors online will help you create the site that will best make them stay and potentially buy or sign up.

4. Optimize Your Homepage Meta Description

Rule of thumb: get your most important keywords into your homepage title and meta description so that more people searching for your services will find your website.

5. Speed up Your Site’s Load Time

If you have a slow-loading browser, visitors will leave. A study shows that most site visitors wait less than seven seconds for a page to load. If you’re running on an open source CMS, deleting any unnecessary plugins will help speed things up.

6. Research Keywords and Competitors

Keyword research is essential to understanding your site’s SEO and your competitor’s, but luckily, you do not have to be an SEO guru to know which keyword to use. Free tools such as SEM Rush will help you research your current and potential keyword-related products and services, among other things.

7. Get Linked

External links that source back to your website from outside websites are a great way to generate new site visitors. Plus, search engines will take you more seriously as a business, boosting you higher on the search.


This article was excerpted from 7 Quick Tips for Boosting Your SEO: A Beginner’s Guide.

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